Brinell hardness test

Brinell hardness test
1) Техника: испытание на твёрдость по Бринеллю, определение твёрдости вдавливанием шарика
2) Автомобильный термин: испытание твёрдости по Бринелю
3) Металлургия: определение твёрдости по Бринеллю
4) Бурение: определение твёрдости по Бринелю
5) Кабельные производство: измерение твёрдости методом Бринелля
6) Макаров: испытание на твёрдость по Бринелю, метод Бринеля (определения твёрдости)
7) Велосипеды: измерение твёрдости по Бринеллю (метод Бринелля)
8) Нефть и газ: испытание твёрдости по Бринеллю

Универсальный англо-русский словарь. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "Brinell hardness test" в других словарях:

  • Brinell hardness test — Brinell hardness test. См. Испытания твердости по Бринеллю. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) …   Словарь металлургических терминов

  • Brinell hardness test — a test made to determine hardness on relatively thick sections of metal by pressing a steel ball of specified diameter into a test specimen under a specified load. This test is seldom used on copper and copper base alloys …   Mechanics glossary

  • Brinell hardness test — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Meyer hardness test — This graph shows the differences between the Brinell hardness test and the Meyer hardness test. Notice that the Brinell test can report the same hardness value for a given specimen twice depending on the load. The Meyer hardness test is a rarely… …   Wikipedia

  • Barcol hardness test — The Barcol hardness test characterizes the indentation hardness of materials through the depth of penetration of an indentor, loaded on a material sample and compared to the penetration in a reference material. The method is most often used for… …   Wikipedia

  • Brinell hardness — (HB or BHN)    a measure of the hardness of a metal introduced by J. A. Brinell in 1900.    In the Brinell test (generally used for metals of uniform hardness), a hard object such as a steel ball is pressed into the material being tested. The… …   Dictionary of units of measurement

  • Brinell hardness — Bri·nell hardness brə .nel n the hardness of a metal or alloy measured by hydraulically pressing a hard ball under a standard load into the specimen Brinell Johan August (1849 1925) Swedish engineer. After studying the internal composition of… …   Medical dictionary

  • Vickers hardness test — A Vickers hardness tester The Vickers hardness test was developed in 1924 by Smith and Sandland at Vickers Ltd as an alternative to the Brinell method to measure the hardness of materials.[1] The Vickers test is often easier to use than other… …   Wikipedia

  • Brinell hardness number — Metall. a rating obtained from a test (Brinell test) to determine the hardness of a metal by pressing a steel ball of a standard size into the metal using a standard force. Also called Brinell number. Abbr.: Bhn [named after J.A. Brinell (1849… …   Universalium

  • Brinell hardness number — Metall. a rating obtained from a test (Brinell test) to determine the hardness of a metal by pressing a steel ball of a standard size into the metal using a standard force. Also called Brinell number. Abbr.: Bhn [named after J.A. Brinell (1849… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Brinell hardness number — Bri•nell′ hard′ness num ber [[t]brɪˈnɛl[/t]] n. mel a rating obtained from a test(Brinell′ test )to determine the hardness of a metal by pressing a steel ball of a standard size into the metal using a standard force. Abbr.: Bhn • Etymology: after …   From formal English to slang

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